MEDIAART 3L03: Schedule

Weeks 1-6 (10 Jan – 14 Feb): During the first six weeks, each meeting will start in TSH-203 with a presentation by me (Dr. 0) on selected games and texts, as well as a second presentation orienting the group to practical work with Godot and Blender. Around half-way through each meeting, we’ll move to the Media Arts Wing to work together on the five areas of technical practice, as well as on the individual game project.

Individual game project due Fri 14 Feb by 10 PM on Avenue (and this is also the due date to have demonstrated success in each of the 5 areas of technical practice, whether through weekly submissions or in the individual game itself)

Week 7 (28 Feb): In-class showcase of individual game projects, launch of collective game project (including determination of all team members’ roles)

Week 8 (7 Mar): Finalization of collective game scope, concept, and tasks (speculative materials due before the beginning of this meeting)

Week 9 (14 Mar): No in-person full-class meeting; asynchronous progress check-in REQUIRED between this Friday and the following Monday

Week 10 (21 Mar): playable gray box levels, and drafts of all significant assets, for collective game (drafts of all significant candidate materials due before the beginning of this meeting)

Week 11 (28 Mar): alpha version of complete collective game (all assets and mechanics) for playtesting to identify final week fixes (revised versions of existing materials and/or final additional materials due before the beginning of this meeting)

Week 12 (4 Apr): in-class, on-campus showcase of beta version of collective game project

Portfolio documenting individual contributions to collective game project due Fri 11 Apr by 10 PM on Avenue

Sat 12 April: present final version of collective game project at Level Up Showcase in Toronto (attendance optional but strongly recommended!)