-- Welcome to LocoMotion -- A live coding language for dance, choreography, motion, etc -- Type programs here and click the "Eval" button to make them go -- This is a rapidly emerging work in progress - check back often for updates -- Or get in touch on the Estuary discord server! -- More info here: https://github.com/dktr0/LocoMotion#readme -- The lines below are a valid LocoMotion program - just press shift-Enter to evaluate! -- And then you can make changes and press shift-Enter to re-evaluate! dancer { url="lisa.glb", size = 0.5, x = -3 }; dancer { url="mark.glb", size = 0.5, x = 3 }; dancer { url="benny.glb", size = 0.5, x = -2 }; dancer { url="StoneFigure.glb", x = -2, z = -2, ry=3.14, size=0.5 }